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PR is changing! The traditional way of doing PR and submitting releases into journalist’s inboxes simply doesn’t cut the mustard any more. It’s old school. Now you have to stand out more than ever. PR needs to be pro-active and responsive. Tools such as #Journorequest on Twitter are now playing ahead of the old PR game. This hashtag allows you to see any space that journalists need to fill, stories they want and interviews that they are looking for. It’s your opportunity and responsibility as a brand or expert in your field to respond – quickly.
As a magazine editor I get 100’s of pitches each week to claim free editorial space and believe me some of the pitches are simply terrible. You have to stand out, you have to offer help and not talk about yourself. Editors need to fill space – fact! But, they won’t even read your email if the subject line isn’t enticing. Bring your key brand facts and USP’s into the title or at least the first intro paragraph. I delete most of the pitches that come through, mainly because they are boring, poorly written or they simply don’t offer any kind of ‘fill the gap’ incentive.
New ways to do PR
1 – Use media enquiry services such as #Journorequest or ResponseSource
2 – Respond to media requests from an expert point of view; so instead of pushing your brand, push yourself as the expert of the relevant topic that they are looking to cover.
3 – If you are looking to write an email pitch, keep it short, to the point, include the key facts in the first para and then refer back to your website if they need more info, images etc.
Simple ways to stay on top of your own PR.